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Books, Wellness

Think This, Not That

In his book, leadership expert and entrepreneur Dr. Josh Axe teaches 12 revolutionary mind-shift transformations to beat the grind and reach the life you've always wanted.

How-tos, Tips, Creativity

How to Create Sustainable Art

This article discusses the importance of sustainable art, highlights innovative practices, and provides actionable tips for artists looking to make their work more environmentally friendly.

Videos, Career, Business, Tips

How to Become a Freelance Designer

Follow along as we hear from three expert freelance designers who share their juicy advice and wisdom on building a successful freelance business as a designer!

Books, Business

Show Your Work!

In his book, Show Your Work!, Austin Kleon shows how to take that critical next step on a creative journey--getting known.

Books, Wellness, Creativity

Stop Overthinking

In his book, Nick Trenton will walk you through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help you rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits.

Tools, Finance, Business

Why You Should Use Buy Me a Coffee as a Creative

Buy Me a Coffee is a popular platform designed for creators, artists, and other individuals to receive support and donations from their audiences.

Tools, Creativity

Why You Should Use as a Creative is an ethical AI platform and tool for illustrators and artists that helps them train AI models on their own terms.

Books, Networking

The Art of Gathering

In her book, Priya Parker sets forth a human-centered approach to gathering that will help everyone create meaningful, memorable experiences, large and small, for work and for play.

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use Tweek Calendar as a Creative

Tweek Calendar is a sleek, intuitive calendar app designed to simplify your scheduling experience.

Books, Productivity

Atomic Habits

In his book, James Clear will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits.

Articles, Creativity, Wellness

Mindfulness and Creativity

In this article, we take a look at a study on how mindfulness can boost your thinking and creativity. We also provide a few ways you can include it your in creative process.

Books, Career, Creativity

What Color Is Your Parachute?

In his book, author Richard N. Bolles shows millions of readers how to network effectively, compose impressive resumes and cover letters, interview with confidence, and negotiate salary.

Videos, Career

Pricing Design Work & Creativity

This video by The Futur talks about how you should price your work and what you should avoid when charging clients.

Podcasts, Creativity, Career

Ladies who Create

"Ladies who Create" is your go-to podcast for spotlighting women in the design and creative industry.

Books, Creativity

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

In her book, Elizabeth Gilbert digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity.

How-tos, Business, Wellness

Network As a Creative

Networking is important for creatives as it can lead to new opportunities to work with others, learn new things, and get your work out there.

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use Notion as a Creative

Notion is a powerful all-in-one workspace that can revolutionize how you manage your creative projects.

Videos, Creativity

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

In his TED Talk, "Do Schools Kill Creativity?", Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity.

Playlists, Productivity

Driving to the Lake

A playlist by Samantha Van Wormer

How-tos, Creativity

Stop Being Perfect as a Creative

It's important for creatives to stop being perfect and embrace imperfection as a path to greater creativity and fulfillment.

Books, Creativity

The War of Art

In his book, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield delivers a guide to inspire and support those who struggle to express their creativity.

Articles, Wellness, Business

Here is Why and How to Build a Support Network

As a creative, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can make a significant difference in your journey.

Books, Creativity

Steal Like an Artist

In his book, artist Austin Kleon's beautifully illustrated bestseller teaches readers how to use their surroundings and their own creativity to discover their own artistic paths.

Tips, Creativity, Wellness

5 Daily Activities That Strengthen Your Creativity

Like any skill, creativity can be nurtured and developed with practice. Here are a few activities that can help you build and maintain your creativity daily.

Videos, Creativity

How to Access Your Creativity

In this video, Rick Rubin shares insights on creativity, balancing self-doubt and anxiety, and adopting new perspectives to channel the creative process.


Pearled Ivory 1.0

A playlist by Alexander Doyle

Tools, Business

Why You Should Use Shopify as a Creative

Shopify is the leading e-commerce platform that allows creatives and businesses to create and manage their own online stores.

Books, Wellness, Productivity

Mind Management, Not Time Management

In his book, best-selling author David Kadavy shares the fruits of his decade-long deep dive into how to truly be productive in a constantly changing world.

Playlists, Productivity

Super Groovy Funky Town Baby

A playlist by Julie-Mae Sampeur.

Tools, Wellness

Why You Should Use Audible as a Creative

Audible is a popular online platform and service owned by Amazon that specializes in the production and distribution of audiobooks, podcasts, and other spoken-word content.

Podcasts, Creativity

The Futur Podcast

The Futur Podcast is hosted by The Futur, an online education platform that teaches the business side of design and creative entrepreneurship.

Books, Business

The Lean Startup

In his book, Eric Ries talks about the Lean Startup, a new approach being adopted across the globe, changing the way companies are built and new products are launched.

Tools, Business, Finance

Why You Should Use Bonsai as a Creative

Bonsai (HelloBonsai) is an all-in-one freelancing platform designed to help freelancers and independent contractors manage their business operations more efficiently.

Tools, Business

Why You Should Use Gumroad as a Creative

Gumroad is an online platform that allows creators to sell their products directly to consumers.

Books, Creativity

The Creative ACT

This book by Rick Rubin is a meditative manifesto about what it really means to be an artist. It contends that artists don't have a monopoly on creativity – everyone is inherently creative.

Podcasts, Creativity

The Creative Pep Talk

Hosted by Andy J. Pizza, the Creative Pep Talk podcast is a great show for people who love to create things.

Tools, Creativity, Wellness

Why You Should Use ADPList As a Creative

ADP List (Amazing Design People List) is a free online platform that connects creatives with mentors from around the world.

How-tos, Finance

Achieve Financial $ecurity as a Creative Professional

In this article, we share a few tips and tools to help you become financially secure as a professional in your creative field.

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use IFTTT as a Creative

IFTTT, which stands for "If This, Then That," is a versatile automation tool that connects different apps and devices to create automated actions

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use Notability as a Creative

Notability is a note-taking app that allows users to create, organize, and annotate notes on their devices

Videos, Wellness

How to Find Work You Love

In his TED Talk, "How to Find Work You Love," Scott Dinsmore passionately discusses the importance of pursuing work that aligns with one's passions and values.

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use Calendly as a Creative

Calendly is an online scheduling tool that makes it easy to schedule meetings and appointments without the back-and-forth of emails.

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use Focusmate as a Creative

Focusmate is a virtual coworking platform that helps people stay accountable and productive while working remotely or from home.

How-tos, Wellness, Business

Maintain a Work-Life Balance

Here are a few things that have helped me keep a work-life balance as a creative.

Tools, Creativity

Why You Should Use Photopea Instead of Photoshop

Photopea is a photo editing tool similar to Adobe Photoshop, but it's completely free and web-based.

Books, Productivity

Deep Work

In his book, Deep Work', Cal Newport offers a compelling argument for the value of focused, undistracted work in a world filled with distractions

Tools, Productivity

Why You Should Use Opal as a Creative

Opal is the perfect app for people looking to reduce their daily screen time, but also for people who want increased focus, less stress and better sleep.

Videos, Creativity

The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers

In his TED Talk, Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies "originals": thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world.

Tools, Finance

Why You Should Use FreshBooks as A Creative

FreshBooks is an all-in-one accounting solution designed for small businesses and freelancers.

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